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Laurie Halse Anderson
Veronica Mars: The First Book in an Original Mystery Series
Rob Thomas, Jennifer Graham
The Dalai Lama's Cat
David Michie
The Outlander Series: Outlander / Dragonfly in Amber / Voyager / Drums of Autumn / The Fiery Cross / A Breath of Snow and Ashes / An Echo in the Bone
Diana Gabaldon
Dorothy Must Die
Danielle Paige
The Last Report On The Miracles At Little No Horse
Louise Erdrich

A Highly Unlikely Scenario, or a Neetsa Pizza Employee's Guide to Saving the World: A Novel

A Highly Unlikely Scenario, or a Neetsa Pizza Employee's Guide to Saving the World: A Novel - Rachel Cantor “Pizza, she liked to exclaim, is nothing more than the ingredients that give it form.
No! Leonard would cry, shocked as ever by her materialism. There is such a thing as right proportion! Such a thing as beauty!”

Excerpt From: Cantor, Rachel. “A Highly Unlikely Scenario, or a Neetsa Pizza Employee's Guide to Saving the World.” Melville House, 2014-01-14T05:00:00+00:00. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.


Transcendence - Shay Savage I'm obviously in the minority but this book was not for me. I thought the premise had promise to be a fun, yet cracky, read but I found it rather tedious. Had it been told from "Beh"'s POV I may have found it more interesting. Ah well.

Downton Tabby

Downton Tabby - Chris Kelly This was seriously a fun read. Very cute especially if you're a Downton Abbey fan (which I am.) I'm not really a cat person (I have nothing against them, they're cute - I'm just very allergic to most of them) but I still enjoyed this.

Something Real

Something Real - Heather Demetrios I'd probably give this a 3.5 if that was available as an option.


Bossypants - Tina Fey IDK if this counts since I listened to the audio book on a road trip but I enjoyed it!

Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated

Confessions of a Prairie Bitch: How I Survived Nellie Oleson and Learned to Love Being Hated - Alison Arngrim Someone was talking about this book on Twitter the other day and I suddenly remembered I actually had a copy on my Nook. My mom had read it and said she thought I'd enjoy it a while back but I never got around to reading it until now.

When I was a kid I was a big fan of Little House but honestly would have never read this on my own if Mom hadn't suggested it. I'm glad I did - it's well written, quite funny in parts, touching in others and sad as well. Alison Arngrim had a rough childhood and she talks about it quite frankly here. She also talks about her years as Nellie Oleson and what it was like to grow up on television.

I read this in a few hours, it's an easy, interesting and enjoyable read. If you're a fan of Little House on the Prairie I'd recommend it. :)

Pride and Prejudice (Bantam Classics)

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen After watching the Lizzie Bennett diaries I thought I'd re-read this as its been ages. Probably going to take a while I've been busy but it's nice to be able to read a copy right in the app!

Melting the Ice Prince

Melting The Ice Prince - Amylea Lyn Full disclosure - my sister is an Autistic adult & I am her caretaker. I say this upfront because this colored my reaction to this book. I decided to give it a go because the subject matter is one I can fully relate to from my personal experience. That said the character of Sammy was nothing like my sister up to the point where I kept wondering, "Is he supposed to really have Aspergers or is this lack of research?" I know that everyone is different, no two people on the spectrum are going to act the same way but as I read on his diagnosis felt more and more off to me. So much so that it took me out of the story several times. In my experiences no one with autism would willingly bear hug a total stranger. My sister is a very sweet, happy -hearted individual but she hates being touched. I've known many people on the spectrum who are also like this. It's not that they don't show affection in their own way but a bear hug is generally something that would take time to lead up to. (I had no trouble accepting Sammy would hug his brother, I just questioned him hugging Nick upon first meeting him.)

I also felt a bit of research regarding the hospital procedures would have benefited the story greatly. I found it a bit too easy to have the nurses readily give information to someone who was not a relative and flowers in ICU would not have been allowed under any circumstances.

I wanted to love this book and there are things I did enjoy about it. While it's rather formula and cliched it does have some enjoyable characters (despite the fact Sammy didn't seem to fall onto the spectrum he is a very lovable character) and it did engage me to keep reading on but the above mentioned issues as well as aspects of telling and not showing prevent me from giving it a better rating.

Fifty-one Shades: A Parody (First Three Chapters) - Andrew Shaffer It was pretty amusing though it got kind of tiring after a while. Not the author's fault - more the fault of the original material (Fifty Shades of Suck)... Even a parody of that gets old after a while. lol

HDU (HDU, #1)

HDU (HDU, #1) - India Lee I'd probably give this 2.5 stars if I could. It was a fun escape read and a lot like reading some sort of fanfiction based on ONTD (which I found out after I finished it has it's own post about this book!)

Moby-Dick (Bantam Classics)

Moby-Dick - Herman Melville I tried but not even pretending to read it with Batman and other assorted fictional character's voices is going to save this for me.

Dull. Dull. DULL. Seriously there's like 30 pages of harpoon line! Call me crazy but I DON'T CARE! It's rope! That's all I need to know about it!

Ah well. So much for bettering my mind by embracing a classic. Heh

The Secret

The Secret - Rhonda Byrne This book is ridiculous.


Modelland - Tyra Banks OMG this book is quite possibly the worst thing I've ever read and I've read some serious crap in my time. Part of it is hilarious in it's absurdity but after a while it stops being 'It's so bad it's funny' and just becomes tedious.

Tyra Banks is a joke with this book and I suspect it's not an intentional joke but it's a joke nonetheless.

Star Wars: Legacy of the Jedi / Secrets of the Jedi - Bind-Up

Star Wars: Legacy of the Jedi / Secrets of the Jedi - Bind-Up - Jude Watson I recently was given all of Jude Watson's Star Wars books - this is the first one I read & I really enjoyed it. While her audience is younger (kids) the stories are enjoyable for adults as well. I like her easy going writing style & ability to capture depths for these characters that (in my opinion) were somewhat missing in the films.

The Scalpel and the Silver Bear: The First Navajo Woman Surgeon Combines Western Medicine and Traditional Healing

The Scalpel and the Silver Bear: The First Navajo Woman Surgeon Combines Western Medicine and Traditional Healing - Lori Arviso Alvord, Elizabeth Cohen Van Pelt Interesting look at a woman living within two vastly different cultures. I really enjoyed reading this.

Marked (House of Night, Book 1)

Marked - Kristin Cast, P.C. Cast This is one of those guilty pleasure reads - it's a terrible book in a lot of ways and yet I couldn't put it down.